In Eva Ruhland,*1961, lives in Munich, Germany
“design patterns”
In Eva Ruhland’s (*1961, lives in Munich, Germany) work, the objects and their appearance converse into their opposite. In a certain way they act like Trojan horses, endearing themselves esthetically to the viewer in order to mutate into prospective weapons at second sight. The confidence into semiotic systems begins to falter. The screening of her video “design patterns” at the exhibition shows a non-linear sequence of exposures (video/photography) and animations. Scenes from a quite particular fashion show change with the development of intensifying light drawings which remind the viewer of sketches and design patterns for – in fact – weapon bags for ladies and gents, fitted for any situations and configurations. In a seemingly alacritous way the shown fetish objects become witnesses to anarchic contemporary acts of arbitrary assassination in which the “turn around” leads to a never-ending futile loop of a virtual turning area.
In Eva Ruhlands (*1961, lebt in München, Deutschland) Arbeiten wenden sich die Objekte und Optik selbst in ihr Gegenteil. Es sind gewissermaßen Trojaner, die sich dem Betrachter ästhetisch einschmeicheln, um auf den zweiten Blick zu potentiellen Waffe zu mutieren. Die Verlässlichkeit von semiotischen Systemen gerät ins Wanken.