Michael Hofstetter,*1961, lives in Munich, Germany
‘didnt mean it like that’, 2007
Michael Hofstetter’s (*1961, lives in Munich, Germany) works sound out the shift between intentional setting and public awareness. At the exhibition he shows two works: ‘didnt mean it like that’ (2007) and ‘stain of blood’ (2008). Both works are dealing with a point of no return – the end of individual history and the beginning of collective movement. In the movie ‘didn’t mean it like that’ a couple strolls through Munich and then successively blows itself up as well as the monuments of their history, by kissing each other. They seem to repeat the big world in their small world. In the installation ‘stain of blood’, the small world is the blueprint for the big world. Odds and ends of a single human being serve as a grid for political practice. The imaginary is shifting into the symbolic. Books, postcards, models, sketches and the garbage of tailors, pieces of clothes, build a field which draws a stain of blood. The same stain of blood which a protester shows on his clothes in a newspaper picture. The idea of tabula rasa is also present here.
Michael Hofstetters (*1961, lebt in München, Deutschand) Werke loten den „shift“ aus, der sich zwischen intentionaler Setzung und öffentlicher Wahrnehmung ereignet. Im Falle zweier Sprengstoffattentäter, die durch München flanieren und sich sukzessiv in die Luft sprengen, wird das Private zur Geburts-stätte von Monstrosität und das Politische beamt sich herunter auf einen narzisstischen Snobismus.